Wednesday 6 January 2010

why children works ?

I think,Children works for the social injustic and economic problem.Besides this,the more specific reasons for children may be poverty and family size (In Bangladesh,family size aaverage 5 person.In families where children work,the father often work rickshaw puller or day labourer.Also the mother works another houses as a servent.For this reasons,they loosing interest in their children.This families moving here and there for looking different kind of new works.So,without stable income children are bound to work in small age.Poverty leads to quarrels,tension.),Migration (In general neglected children and different natural calamities are involved for migrated to the cities with their families or alone.The children works different way.)Child law and rights (child labour in bangladesh do not protect working children.Employers prefer children as they are cheap,productiveand obedient.They working indutrial sector.For reason they are demanding and incresing day by day for indutrial sectors.)Also,illiteracy and family breakdown etc.

Child worker in Garments

Child work is a crime.But for proverty and different reasons,children are working in garments.They are not allowed to working in garments.But some of few garments owner give them works to do,Because they are hard worker.Many workers are woman.When foreign buyers enter the fectory,Many small ages child are scared and hidden under the table,been locked up in the toilet for few hours.Also,in garments sector they have physical,social,job safety,not clear in self identity,not access information,life option and planning.Thery are hopeless.I talked one of chidren workers.She said,she works for her family.They are so poor.She stay with her aunty’s house.She earns money 2500 taka in a month.After taking her salary,atfirst she give some money to the aunty for the house rent and fooding cost.Then,she saved few for her and send very few money to her family.Then she said,i’t’s not sufficient money for her living.But she working for her living.In garments sector minimum wages is fixed around 950 taka.Sometimes,many garmets owner give not their salary on time.For this resons they faces money problem.In gamesnts,many people of ages and uneducated people works.They uses many bad languages.After hearing this,many children learned and sometimes they do crime.Also,in germents sector many girls are not comfort for their work.Because many bad people tease them.

child beggar

Child labour is a crime.But in Bangladesh,peoples are so poor.they can not lived easily.For this reason,poor people’s children do begging on the street.These children work on the streets every day and their number is incresing.They collect money from the people.Also,they selling stuff like books,flowers,newpaper,water etc.Sometimes,the adult beggar rent for begging like infant or different kind of diseases children.Also,they searches food from door to door.They think,its better for their to beg.Now,children beggers are found in villages,towns and cities.Some children’s starts begging,when their member go to work outside.Street children can not get food properly.They earn money 50 taka in a day.Actually the little street children struggle to live being a children.

Tuesday 5 January 2010


In Bangladesh, we see different kind of boys, who are collects different kinds of garbage in their sackand they sell it vangari shop(shop that buy any kind of waste product).They are so poor and are called “Tokai”.It is a one kind of child labour.Majority of the tokai’s belong to the age group 7-15 years but aged tokai also found.Basically tokai’s workplace is mainly public places,bus,train launch terminals,shopping area,streets,residential areas ,dustbin etc.

They work daily 8-10 hours and also average income per day less 70 taka.They have no skills.Sometimes,they works under a group or independently.NGOs have tkaen different programmes for the welfare of the tokai.They are hopeless.they have no identity.some are houseless.

'Negative work sides'

Children also shared the negetive sides of work.The scolding and abusive language of the employer at times demoraloized them.Most of the children seem familiar with the issue of sexual abuse.It can take place in three locations-at the workplace,at home,in public place.At home some of the girls receiving unwelcome advances from other relatives and neighbours.At the workplace girls,as domestic workers are vulnerable to their emloyers as well as the employers visitors and relatives.In public place,girls whose occupations entail being out on the streets,such as waste pickers and vendors are even more exposed and are often approached for prostitution.Boys too are exposed to indecent exposure by older man and strangers.The other negetive side is it is hamper the children educations

'Hazardous work'

What the children considered to be hazardous varried.Some activities like wiping floor,fetching water,hawking.For most it meant where they could hurt themselves such as working near a fire,working with sharp objects,grating spices,beaking bricks etc.There are also hard work like carrying weights,pulling carts and welding.Generally children feel that,it is up to them to avoid getting hurt or injured.The protection measures that they mentioned were mainly being more careful nad attentive,so as not get hurt.Some of the children seemed to have knowledge about protective measures such as gloves or protective goggles.Girls who are brick chipping,they feel this work is hazardous for their health and well being.they were exposed to people on the street and mastans.This type of girls said,they do not talk when they are working.

Different types of Child Labor'

Children do different types of work.Breaking bricks may cause damage to the fingers and for that a rubber made finger glove could be worn.Chips of brick may jump into eye and cause harm.Another job is welding.This work is inappropriate for children.When they works for welding,they uses protective glass for the eye.Another work is motor mechanic.This working children working with chemical and acid.Acid used in car battery.If this acid went into the eye than that would destroy the vision.Another work is carrying heavy load or bricks up the stairs.Some people said,they should not come into this type of works.Going up the stairs and getting the dried cloths from the roof was considered as hazardous.They felt this was

'Poor Child Workers'

Child service is a widespread practice in Bangladesh.They are so poor.Although children are employed as domestic throughout the country,They have overwhelmingly high concentration in the cities.Employers in the urban areas usually recruit children from their village home through family,friends or contacts.Most of the domestic child workers comes from vulnerable families,many of them being orphans children.A good number of them are from having the single-parent families.Child domestic work very long hours,getting up well before their employers and going to bed long after them.On an average 5 percent children workers work 13-14 hours in a day.The domestic child workers works in oil,soap,towel,comb,cloths company.Boys often perform tasks like going to grocery,cleaning the drain,taking the garbage to roadside bins washing the cars.

'Child's working hours'

Working Hours and Earnings

Many children work long hours every day of the week.For example,some survey results show that half of the working children are toiling for nine hours or more per day.Sometimes,they also works in holidays,especially in the rural communities.A large mejority of youngster toil as unpaid family workers,in the rural areas where working girls outnumber working boys.More than four in every five children work without pay.Also,the younger working children the lower the wage payment.In average girls are working more than boys and they get low money more than boys.Sometimes,many children work during the evenings or night as well.Children do not get overtime money.In one major survey,close to two-thirds of the child labour force in the agriculture are found to be working during these periods-three quarters of the boys and more than two-fifths of the girls.A large number of the girls working as housemaid are often obliged to spend the night in their employer’s household there by also exposing themselves to various abuse.For girls and boys the payment for domestic help ranges from taka 200-1300 per month in dhaka area.But in other district,They get low money from dhaka.

Stop Child Labour

Stop Child Labor.It is a great cursed in the world.A group of 60 working children from 12 organizations,their major problems at a workshop organized by Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum(BSAF) with the support from UNICEF at the WVA auditorium on 12.11.2001.Children described their basic problems :-Can not continue regular studies doing work.Can not watch entertainment programmes on television.Do not get adequate salary for work.Subjected to hazardous form of labor forcefully.Do not get medical facilities properly.Do not get food of adequate national value.Children are forcefully trafficked out of the country.The physical handicapped do not adequate attention.Subjected to physically torture by employers and anti-socials.


Child Domestic Workers

Child Domestic service is a widespread practice in Bangladesh.The majority of child domestics tend to be 12 and 17 years old.But children as young as 5 or 6 years old can also be found working.A survey of child domestic workers found that 38 percent were 11 to 13 years old and nearly 24 percent were 5 to 10 years old.Child domestics works long hours,getting up well before their employers and going to bed long after them.on 50 percent domestic workers work 12- 14 hours a day.Irrespective of their gender,Child domestic carry out all sorts of household work.Boys often perform tasks like going to the grocery,cleaning the drain,talking the garbage to roadside bins,washing the car and sell nuts etc.On the other hand,girls have to iron the cloths,attend phone calls and serves the guests.The child domestic workers are often the least paid in the society,their remuneration ranging from 80 taka to 400 taka per month.In most of the cases,they hand over all their earnings to their parents,leaving nothing for themselves.